Article 1
THE UNION OF EUROPEAN EXPERTS CHAMBERS (U.C.E.E.) was incorporated in Turin, on 8 th March 1999, with its registered office in Brussels (Belgium).
Article 2
The U.C.E.E. is an autonomous non-profit labour organization with co-operative nature, not involved in any political Party, consisting of experts, workers and entrepreneurs, acting in the European and Extra European Community Countries, referring to the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights and to the Fundamental liberties of the European Council.
Article 3
It exists only one U.C.E.E. operating in all the European and extra European Community Countries which activity is ruled by the present Statute; the President is authorized to introduce all the variations required by the Authorities of the Countries where it operates accordingly to their single national realities.
Article 4
The U.C.E.E. operates in observance of the Community Law and Treaties, the International Conventions, the Domestic Laws of the European Community Countries and of all the Countries in which it established its offices; it co-operates, according to their programmes, with the Community Institutions, the European Council, the European Parliament, the European Commission, the United Nations Organization (ONU), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Bureau International du Travail (BIT), the European Community Court of Justice, the Economical and Social Committee, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, all the International Boards sharing the Association purposes, with the local Authorities, Bodies, Associations, Committees, Professional brotherhoods and boards; the aim is to fully realize the free circulation of people and things, the free establishment, the free supply of services and the removal of technical and physical restrictions.
Article 5
The U.C.E.E. has the following assignments: ......A) to integrate the Technical Experts, the extrajudicial Arbitrators and the liberal and intellectual professionals, whether protected or not, but rightly recognized by the Community Law and by the International Conventions, also if not conducted in an independent and/or individual form, assigning the members the professional qualification of "European Expert"; ......B) to establish and to keep updated the European Experts Registers, ordered according to the Experts skills, titles and fields of activity; ......C) to maintain the relationships between the U.C.E.E. and boards and institutions, both in European and extra European Countries, to introduce Members of U.C.E.E. to serious and skilful organizations to facilitate their entrance into the world of work, to promote cultural and social projects, to organize congresses, conventions, study meetings and business trips, to represent its Members as an autonomous organization, to publish the Community Rate Book for the extrajudicial professional services and to grant that the invoices issued by the Members are in accordance with ordinary rates; to motivate the moral, cultural, technical interests of the Experts; to promote the understanding between the Members; ......D) to promote, establish and co-ordinate (also by agreements): Schools and Masters courses, Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Services, fraternities and trade associations, departments, commissions, Research Centres, etc… ...... E) to assign titles and to establish Registers other than those mentioned above at point B), if so required by operating and organizational internal skills. Moreover, the U.C.E.E. plans to promote a wider knowledge of the European Union activity, its policies and financial programs, to organize the supply of services relating to the ideation, realization and evaluation of projects included in the sphere of programs financed, among the others, by the European Union, stimulating a more active participation of the Italian operators (public and private) to the European Union activity and to many opportunities offered. The U.C.E.E. will attend to develop towards the European Community, National and Local Institutions, the consciousness of the service supplied by the European Experts to develop our socio-economical network and its integration in the European evolution process and to contribute to increase the quality level of the above mentioned services in terms of matured experience and professionalism, guaranteeing the professional specialization and the service reliability to the customer. The association shall organize, among the Members, the development of their activity, the improving of their exterior image, their professional updating to offer always more professional services, even through the diffusion of a common tally. The association shall carry on all the additional activities directly or indirectly connected to its main purpose.
Article 6
The U.C.E.E. is not an intermediary between members clients and members themselves, and it does not interfere between members relationships or in their professional autonomy. The U.E.E.C. does not commit its members towards third parties, and ensures that no action suitable to prejudice its members deontology will be undertaken.
Article 7
The U.C.E.E. is established indefinitely.
Article 8
The preconditions to be satisfied for the admission to U.C.E.E. are: recognized and proven experience and morality. New members will be admitted by the Board of Directors upon explicit request, approved by the President. The subscription will automatically involve the acceptation of this statute U.C.E.E. is formed by promoters and ordinary members.
Article 9
Yearly the Board of Directors fixes the membership fee and the annual due. Article 10
The President can draw up internal rules specifying different participation conditions of new members.
Article 11
The members are free to leave the U.C.E.E. resigning to the President by registered mail within 90 days before the annual closing. The payment of the membership fee and the annual due must be done within the 31st day of March of each year. Members not up to date with their payments don't have voting rights in the meetings. The President has the authority to notify a first notice of dishonour to the defaulters; they will be deemed sacked elapsed thirty days from a second written notice without payments have been done. Furthermore, the President has the authority to remove members from the association in case of occurred lack of the qualifications established for the admission or for others serious reasons.
Article 12
The President, when the circumstances mentioned above occurred, notifies the members of the expulsion by registered letter, supplying it with the necessary explanations. The member concerned has 30 days since the reception of the letter, to explain is reasons to the Board of Directors. If these argumentations will not be considered exhaustive, the President will deliberate the exclusion.
Article 13
The Assembly, composed of all the members, is the U.C.E.E. main unit; the Assembly has the power to establish the general stance, to put forward modifications to the Statute, to pass the budget and the final asset and liability statement, to dissolve the Association in advance and, generally, to take all the resolutions that go over the powers the Statute legally awards to the Court of Arbitration, to the Board of Directors and to the President.
Article 14
The President will convene the ordinary Meeting at least once a year. The President and the Board of Directors will convene the extraordinary Meeting each time time it is demanded by the social interest or upon request of at least 1/5 of the members. The Board of Directors must convene all the members by written advice, sent by mail or by fax at least 15 days before the date fixed for the meeting: the convocation must define the agenda. The Meeting can decide on the agenda only. All the motions endorsed by at least 3/10 of the members filed in the last annual members register can be introduced in the agenda. Every member has the right to attend the Meeting and to vote, also delegating another member in written form. Every member can bear one proxy only. Members so represented will be counted up to form the quorum as mentioned above.
Article 15
The meeting is validly formed at first convocation with the presence, either direct or by proxy, of the assignees majority, or in second convocation whatever is the number of the present or delegated members. The meeting decides by simple majority of the votes and, in case of parity, the vote of the President is definitive. A qualified majority of 2/3 of the number of the members present at the meeting is required to modify the present Statute or to dissolve the association. The Assembly is validly formed if half of the members attend to it.
Article 16
The Assembly resolutions are minute in the special register, signed by the President, by the Secretary and by the members requiring it. The minutes are kept in the Association registered office at the service of the members.
Article 17
The Corporate bodies of the Association are: • The President • The Vice-President • The Board of Directors • The Members Assembly • The Secretary • The Treasurer.
Article 18
The President The President has the representation of the Association towards third parties and in court. The President can appoint Special Attorneys "ad negotia" and Special or general Attorneys for litigations. The President carries out the ordinary and extraordinary administration deeds relating to the Association activities. The President has the wider authorities to manage the ordinary and extraordinary administration deeds except from those vested in the Board of Directors and in the Assembly from the law and the present Statute. The President notably: • decides upon the admission of the Members and upon their withdrawal and/or expulsion; appoints the Secretary-Treasurer, fixes their powers and functions and has the authority to suspend and relieve them at any minute; • authorizes the possible employment agreeing on the salaries; he can assign tasks to out-house partners fixing their daily allowances and refunds; • agrees on daily allowances, refunds and whatever is due to the members for the fulfillments of special jobs; • submits to the assembly the membership fee and the annual due; • establishes Offices, Departments, Delegations and Committees, appoints regional partners and other Association representative bodies; • fixes the corporate property managing rules, looks after the Assembly resolutions execution, submits amendments to the Statute and promulgates the rules of the different business fields; • authorizes the stipulation of any contract and/or convention for the achievement of the social aims. The President can appoint Special Boards to look after the Association operative programs, with the power to pursue specific targets connected with and/or drawn up for the achievement of the social purposes. The president holds his office until he submits his resignation to the Members Assembly.
Article 19
The Board of Directors (The Board) The Board is composed by the President, the Vice-President and the Treasurer-Secretary. The Board sits whenever the President deems it necessary and, however, at least once a year. The Board is convened upon written request signed by the President, pointing out place and date of the meeting and the topic to deal with. The Board is validly formed with the presence of the majority of its members and deliberates only with the absolute majority of the presents. In case of parity the vote of the President is definitive. The Board is chaired by the President. The minutes of the Board decisions have to be recorded in chronological order on a special register and have to be undersigned by the President and by the Secretary, who has to preserve them. The Board members are not remunerated for their activity, except from a reimbursement of expenses for the work done. The Board reports its activity to the Members Assembly once a year.
Article 20
The Members Assembly The Members Meetings can be ordinary or extraordinary according to the matters discussed and they are convened by written advice pointing out place and date of the meeting and the topic to deal with. The ordinary Meeting • subscribes the accounts; • decides on other matters related to the Association management, assigned to its authority by the articles of association, or submitted to its examination from the Board of Directors. Both the ordinary and the extraordinary Meetings are validly formed, whatever is the number of the presents (also as proxy), and can deliberate with the majority of the presents. Each member is entitled for only one vote and can stand for one member only
Article 21
The Vice-President The Vice-President is appointed by the President; the appointment can be revoked by the President at any time. The Vice-President assists the President in running his functions. The Vice-President can directly carry on specific tasks only upon delegation of the President.
Article 22
The Treasurer-Secretary The Treasurer-Secretary is appointed by the President and the appointment can be revoked by the President at any time. The Treasurer-Secretary: • co-ordinates the technical and legal fulfilments of the Association; • draws up the minutes of the Meetings and of the Board of Directors; • checks the regular drawing-up of the social registers and carries out the duties assigned to him by the President; • keeps the books and authorizes the financial operations related to the Association management; • operates the bank accounts of the Association by withdrawals and deposits and conducts all the other operative functions connected to the Association financial management; • refers of his activity to the Board of Directors and to the Assembly making an yearly annual report.
Article 23
Accounts The accounting period starts the 1st day of January and ends the 31st day of December of each year. The Board of Directors approves the social accounts and its enclosures for each accounting period after having verified its correct drafting. The accounts have to be presented to the General Assembly within the first half of the subsequent year.
Article 24
Dissolution The Association breaks up on decision of the Members Assembly with the favorable votes of at least 2/3 of the present members, whatever is their number. The President will establish, at the moment of the dissolution, the liquidation formalities and will appoint one or more liquidators determining their powers without prejudice to all the mandatory rules. After the completion of all the operations as mentioned above are and after having satisfied every member reasons, the remaining assets will be transferred to social purposes connected to those of the Association.
Article 25
Court of Arbitration The members and the assignees, in case of dispute on the interpretation and application of these articles, and in case of dispute between members or assignees, are contractually obliged to apply to the Court of Arbitration, which decides with no possibility of appeal and definitively, without withdrawal prescription. The decision of the Court of Arbitration, which acts with no procedural formalities as a friendly operator, binds all the members and the Association, that renounce to contest the definitive, irrevocable and executive arbitration. The Court of Arbitration is composed of one arbitrator for each party of the controversy, and it is presided by a third arbitrator named by the first two or, in case of disagreement, by the Turin Chamber of Commerce. The arbitrators appointment and substitution will be made in accordance to the Italian Civil Procedure Code, articles 810 and following, on condition that it is not in contrast with what stated above.
Article 26
For anything in contrast with this Statute and for anything not included, the members can refer to the Laws in force.