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The Union


1.The apt procedures to the acceptance or resignations from the U.C.E.E. are expressly ruled from the social charter of the Association. 
2.The regularly recorded charter is visible and consultable on the WEB sites of the Association: -

3. To the aim to protect the U.C.E.E. and its members, Anyone of the associates which will use, directly or indirectly, the name of the same Association in order to entertain, with organisms, agencies or societies, relationships whose conclusion would mean assignments, direct or indirect, professional or not, which can be free or with a fee, must preventively inform the President of the Association, that, case by case and to precise modalities to be agreed preventively, will release the approval for the pursuance of the undertaken relationships.

4. The inobservance of the engagement, assumed here, will involve, in the comparisons of the defaulter, immediate action of suspension from the qualification of associate and consequent procedure apt to the expulsion from the association of the same one. The expulsion and suspension procedure is unquestionable and incontrovertible.

5. The Office of Presidency is the organ in charge to the operating management of U.C.E.E. It remains in faculty of the President to release proxies or to name proxies «ad hoc». Of such operability will be given communication to all the associates, for how much possible. All the communications happened through official internet sites of the Association will be valid and obligating.

6. In the organization to pyramidal structure of the Association the Office of Presidency of the U.C.E.E. supervises the departments and the regional or national presidencies making part of the same association.

7.For managerial opportunities Departments could be organized and subdivided in Divisions managed by a Responsible of Division. The first responsible of the Department or the Division will be nominated by the President of U.C.E.E. and he will remain in his duties for four years but revoked or dismissed and he is re-eligible.

8. The U.C.E.E. is organized in every Country, inside the UE or extra U.E., through the opening of one or more local centres, managed by a President and a Secretary General who will refer directly to the President and the Office of Presidency of the U.C.E.E.

9. Every time an Expert associated to U.C.E.E. uses the name and/or the U.C.E.E. logo for any type of activity, are these of professional type or entrepreneurial, if they are carried out with previously consent of the President mentioned on art. 2 or still more without the forecasted consent, he becomes responsible, in first person, of the own actions, just operated and the own professional performances and for all the how much relating, inherent and consequent the same activity, to become surety the U.C.E.E. and its representative lawyers who will be able to take whichever opportune action to the aim to protect the same Association and its associates.

10. Whichever controversy has to rise up in the interpretation, performance and execution of the present Regulations and of obligations deriving from it, will come subordinate for its resolution to an Arbitral College composed by three members, named one for every Parts in contestation and the third party from the named members or, in case of they discord on the nomination of this last one, from the Office of Presidency. The Arbitral College will have the widest powers for the preliminary investigation and that for the decision of the controversy, without formal obligations and also with the powers of friendly composer. The Arbitral College will formulate its decision in the maximum time of 90 days from the takeover date. In particular, in case of a resolution of the associated status or for voluntary recess or action of expulsion, the College will be able to determine which indemnification must be up to the Association for eventual damages that the Same one could endure.

11. The President, to the aim to protect the U.C.E.E. and its Associates, will be able to expel without right of appeal Who or Those people who became defaulters towards the obligations deriving from the applicative norms of the social Charter, the present Regulations, or from the applicable Norms and Laws in the European Union or the Country of origin of the Associate. The expulsion will involve for the associate the decaying of its right of associated status and in particular to the expelled one any more availed action undertake against the U.C.E.E. will be inhibited. U.C.E.E. reserves the right for how much previewed from the art.8 of the present Regulations.

12. The Office of Presidency is composed by the President and the General Secretary of U.C.E.E.

13. Privacy information. link here. 

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